You know when you were little and sucked on a red popsicle and the insides of your lips would be this gorgeous cherry red color? Yeah, for some reason I think that's really sexy, and just decided to stick some dark red gloss on the part where my lips touch. It's not hugely noticeable (I doubt anyone other than me takes note) but for some reason it makes me happy.
Here are some photos, which have more to do with the love I have for my iPhone and the fact that lipgloss photos are sexy, than for any need to really illustrate the process.
:: Popsicle Lipgloss Technique ::
Step 1. Apply a light pink, candy-colored gloss to the whole lip. I used L'Oreal Color Riche Lipgloss in Soft Pink (110).

Step 2. Apply a dark cherry red gloss to the insides of your lips, where they meet. I used the same brand listed above in Rich Red (300).

Step 3. Rub your lips together a bit to blend.

I'd love to hear your lip gloss techniques in the comments.
I recently bought Aveda Lip Shine in Juneberry.
It's love in a tube.
I'm not a lipgloss girl, but I DO want to know what you were using to photograph the demo. I love the Holga look!!!!
Nothing on the lipgloss (though I am racing to RiteAid to get the Soft Pink!! LOVE!!) but I would like to respectfully ask you where the f*$k have you been?! I love your blog and CRAVE more. Please come back to us loyal lovers of fraughtwithshampoo!!!
Thank you
I actually have 2-3 blog posts swarming around in my head. Will probably get to them in the next few days. Stay tuned!
I used to do the same thing, but in a matte version using white eyeshadow over dark lipliner in the center.
I've done the opposite when I wanted to create "obnoxiously large" lip effects by creating dark on the outside, and the white on the inside. :)
I totally want *obnoxiously large* lips.
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